Sunday, August 18, 2019

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free Pdf

ISBN: 096941949X
Title: How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free Pdf Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor
Author: Ernie J. Zelinski
Published Date: 2009-09
Page: 229
How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free offers inspirational advice on how to enjoy life to its fullest. The key to achieving an active and satisfying retirement involves a great deal more than having adequate financial resources; it also encompasses all other aspects of life -- interesting leisure activities, creative pursuits, physical well-being, mental well-being, and solid social support.

World-class author and innovator Ernie J. Zelinski guides you to:

  • Gain courage to take early retirement; in fact, the earlier the better.
  • Put money in proper perspective so that you don't need a million dollars to retire.
  • Generate purpose in your retirement life with meaningful creative pursuits.
  • Follow your dreams instead of someone else's.
  • Take charge of your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
  • Better envision you retirement goals -- including where you want to live.
  • Above all, make you retirement years the best time of your life.

What sets this retirement book apart from all the others is its holistic approach to the fears, hopes, and dreams that people have about retirement. This international bestseller (over 110,000 copies sold in its first edition) goes way beyond the numbers that is often the main focus of retirement planning in most retirement books.

There are many ingredients of a happy retirement and several retirement planning tools that help retirees plan for their retirement in new and more meaningful ways. One of the most powerful tools is The Get-a-Life Tree that you won't find in any other retirement books.

In short, the retirement wisdom in this book will prove to be much more important than how much money you have saved. How to Retire Happy Wild, and Free helps readers create an active, satisfying, and happy retirement in a way such that they don't need a million dollars to retire.

A Huge Disappointment This retirement book by Ernie Zelinski is different from most others in that it does NOT focus on how to save the ungodly amount of money you will need to live a life of leisure for potentially 30+ years. Instead, it focuses on what you will do with your time for those 30+ years. And that's exactly why I bought it because there are hundreds of books that deal with the money and very few that deal with the big question that we all must one day ask and answer: What the heck am I gonna do all day when I'm no longer working?I read this book about six weeks into my retirement, and while there are a few inspiring ideas, most of it is just a litany on the importance of finding a passion in life so you don't spend your retirement watching TV. (Duh.) And it's reiterated in umpteen different ways, making the redundancy rather boring. Zelinski cites numerous studies throughout the book to prove his various points but is extraordinarily vague on the sourcing, so one wonders about their legitimacy. A more careful, responsible and ethical author would have footnoted each of them with specific citations.In addition, he liberally sprinkles into the text fan letters he has received from readers of previous books he has written. Sometimes it felt like I was reading an ad for his oeuvre. But I slogged through it to the end--only to be rewarded with even more fan mail.I am being generous in giving it three stars, rather than two. There is some good advice in the book, but you have to wade through a lot of other stuff to find it. If you have no friends, interests, hobbies or activities you now do outside of work, then this book may offer some insight as to how to spend your newfound free time during retirement. But if you already have a life, so to speak, outside the office, don't waste your money on this book.P.S. The author brags that he failed college English 101 three times and yet has still managed to write many books. I assume he passed on the fourth try, but he should have paid closer attention. There are enough blatant grammatical and punctuation errors throughout the book to make this English major wince—a lot. Where was his editor? Where was his old textbook from English 101?then this might be a good book. I can give give you a money ... Basically suggests what all you could do with your life after retirement. It's mostly simple common sense such as 'go for a walk'. I was expecting more in-depth knowledge on advise with money. So if you are looking for suggestions as to what to do with your retired life, then this might be a good book. I can give give you a money saving advise retirement advise -- don't buy unnecessary books.Zelinski has a great accessibility so the book is very readable I encountered the book accidentally and at a very timely moment - ahead of 'retirement' age. The really valuable aspect of this book is its lack of focus on traditional financial planning - in fact it turns that on its head. Rather it brings together a very broad range of issues more related to the development of the whole person and this was just what I was looking for. While the book has been around a long time now, it remains highly relevant. Zelinski has a great accessibility so the book is very readable. Not every section is relevant to every person and I don't always agree with everything the book recommends. But that doesn't make a blind bit of difference - there is ample information there for everyone to be able to find inspiration. Reading this book has set me on a path of investigation, motivation, contemplation and serious planning to escape from the traditional notions of retirement.

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Tags: 096941949X pdf,How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free pdf,Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor pdf,Ernie J. Zelinski,How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free: Retirement Wisdom That You Won't Get from Your Financial Advisor,Visions International Publishing,096941949X,Personal Finance - Retirement Planning,Early retirement.,Leisure.,Retirement.,Aging,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / Retirement Planning,Business & Economics,Business & Economics: Motivational,Business & Economics: Personal Finance / Retirement Planning,Business & Economics: Reference,Canada,Consumer Finance,Early retirement,Family & Relationships/Life Stages - Later Years,GENERAL,General Adult,Leisure,Life Stages - Later Years,Non-Fiction,Personal Finance,Retirement,SOCIOLOGY OF LEISURE,SOCIOLOGY OF RETIREMENT,Self-Help/Aging

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