Thursday, December 12, 2019

tokidoki 2020 Wall Calendar Free Pdf

ISBN: 0789336405
Title: tokidoki 2020 Wall Calendar Pdf
Personally designed by tokidoki's founder Simone Legno, this tokidoki 2020 Wall Calendar features exclusive designs and promises to be as collectible and unique as his other creations.

Multifaceted artist Simone Legno created tokidoki in 2003 to express his spirit of hope and sense that, at any given moment, something magical and positive can happen. The tokidoki brand and aesthetic are instantly recognizable and highly coveted.

Terrific Print Quality and Images The art in the 2020 tokidoki calendar is just as great as ever. The print quality is also the same high quality of years past. The paper is a vividly printed matte finish.This calendar makes a great gift for anyone into kawaii Japanese pop art (art by an Italian artist inspired by Japan).Printed in Hong Kong if that matters to you.Tokidoki every month Already ready for the new yearEvery year!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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Tags: 0789336405 pdf,tokidoki 2020 Wall Calendar pdf,Simone Legno,tokidoki 2020 Wall Calendar,Universe Publishing,0789336405,ART,ART / General,ART / Individual Artists / General,ART / Popular Culture,Art/Popular Culture,CALENDAR,Calendars,General,Individual Artists,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,Non-Fiction,Popular Culture,hellokitty; Japanese art; lesportsac; manga; mermicornos; moofia; punkstar; sanrio; toki doki; tokidoki skull candy; unicorno,hellokitty; lesportsac; mermicornos; sanrio; toki doki; unicorno; Japanese art; manga; moofia; punkstar; tokidoki skull candy

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Palestinian Delusion Download

Title: The Palestinian Delusion Pdf The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process
Every negotiated settlement between the State of Israel and its Palestinian adversaries has failed to establish a stable and lasting peace. This is the history of what was attempted, why those failures were inevitable, and what must be done instead.

Every new American President has a plan to bring about peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and every one fails.

Every “peace process” has failed in its primary objective: to establish a stable and lasting accord between the two parties, such that they can live together side-by-side in friendship rather than enmity.

But why? And what can be done instead?

While this failure is a consistent pattern stretching back decades, there is virtually no public discussion or even basic understanding of the primary reason for this failure.

The Palestinian Delusion is unique in situating the Israeli/Palestinian conflict within the context of the global jihad that has found renewed impetus in the latter portion of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. Briskly recounting the tumultuous history of the “peace process,” Robert Spencer demonstrates that the determination of diplomats, policymakers, and negotiators to ignore this aspect of the conflict has led the Israelis, the Palestinians, and the world down numerous blind alleys. This has often only exacerbated, rather than healed, this conflict.

The Palestinian Delusion offers a general overview of the Zionist settlement of Palestine, the establishment of the State of Israel, and the Arab Muslim reaction to these events. It explores the dramatic and little-known history of the various peace efforts—showing how and why they invariably broke down or failed to be implemented fully. The Palestinian Delusion also provides shocking evidence from the Palestinian media, as well as statements from the Palestinian leadership, showing that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians will never work.

But there is still cause for hope. Spencer delineates a realistic, viable alternative to the endless and futile “peace process,” that shows how the Jewish State and the Palestinian Arabs can truly coexist in peace—without illusions or unrealistic expectations.

How Islam impacts the Israel-Palestine divide "The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process" by Robert Spencer (Dec. 2019).Some Western politicians and academicians have proffered that the Israel vs. Palestine land "dispute" could be quickly ended if only Israel would abandon its occupation settlements in the Judea-Samaria "West Bank" region and give full independence to a Palestinian nation in control of its own political, economic, diplomatic and military sovereignty. They pontificate that thereby an independent Palestinian state would not feel threatened, would lay down their weapons, and seek "peace" with Israel.But this Polyanish view is dismissed by the author who argues that these Neville Chamberlain-like peaceniks fail to understand that what is causing the peace-rejectionist Palestinians to continuously rebuff peace with Israel: that they are driven by the theological commandants of Islam (in the Quran and ahadith) not to seek peaceful coexistence with the Jews, and thereby a Jewish-oriented independent state of Israel -- which is the overall thesis of this book.Initially I thought this book would be about the author trying to argue that there really are no Palestinian-state people today. Well, there are people living in the "West Bank" ("Palestine") -- but are they really some historical group of Kurds or Rohingya who lack their own country? Currently, those living in the West Bank are predominately Muslim-Arabs, who claim that they desire an independent "Palestine" country.But "Who are these 'Palestinians'?" the author asks. No need to dwell here on the overall history of the Jewish-Israel nation of 1500 B.C., nor of their expulsion by the Romans, nor of the arrival of the interloping Muslim-Arab jihadist invaders in the ninth century. The author briefly relates that history.Palestine was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for 400 years until the end of WWI. During this time the author noted that Palestine was sparsely populated, and while Jews began to make a concerted return to this area after the 1870s -- but they never made a majority of the population even during the 1930s. The author contends that as more Jews arrived in Palestine they provided many new job opportunities that attracted (non-Palestinian) Arabs into Palestine.The author noted that the last legally recognized government of this region was the "British Mandate of Palestine", that had been authorized by the League of Nations. But it collapsed when the British left in 1947, who let the Jews and Muslims fight it out as to who was going to secure what lands they could from the corpse of the Mandate. The UN later recognized the state of Israel in 1948, but never recognized the Egyptian occupation of the Gaza Strip nor the Jordanian seizure of the West Bank.The issue here is that the current "Palestinians" (West Bank) never have had their own independent country. The author notes how Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, and those residents paid taxes to their Ottoman-Syrian tormentors. The author argues that during the 1950s when the Jordanians occupied the West Bank, and the Egyptians the Gaza Strip, neither Muslim country planned on turning those lands over to some independent Palestinian state for the Palestinians.So who "owns" Palestine today? The author argues that Israel does, as it asserted its governance of the West Bank after Jordan shelled Israeli-held West Jerusalem late on the morning of June 5, 1967 -- several hours after the Israelis had attacked Egyptian military forces, but not any Jordanian forces. The Israelis waited until the Jordanians fired first, then advanced into capturing Jordanian-held East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The Israelis argued that they were taking an area that the British had offered to leave to Israel when the Brits disembarked back in 1947, but was occupied by invading Jordanian forces.The author maintains that only after the Israelis secured these areas did the Arabs begin to demand a right to self-determination and full independence. Essentially, the Arab-Palestinians were a fabricated stateless people (Jordanians) living on Israeli lands that the Israelis could not secure back in 1947.The author recounts the many failed attempts by U.S. presidents to entice Israel's neighbors to recognize the Jewish state of Israel since 1948. No need to recount them in this review.The author argues that the PLO/PA has never sought peace with an independent Jewish state. The author contends that the PLO/PA leaders used the English language to deceive their true anti-Jew/Israel thoughts that they so freely spoke of in Arabic. The author provides many such deceptive talk (taqiyya) in this book.So what does the future hold for "Palestine"? A one-state solution of Israel incorporating (annexing) all of the West Bank? Or some two-state solution that grants some political independence to the Arab denizens in the West Bank? The author discusses the pros and cons of both "solutions". The author argues that the first option would most likely result in the "final solution" of Israel, as the Muslims and their "right of return" relatives would greatly outnumber the Jewish Israelis at the election ballot boxes.The author argues persuasively that as long as the West Bank Palestinians adhere to their (anti-Jew) Muslim religion that "peace in our time" will remain an illusive dream in the foreseeable future. This book eloquently presents the author's assertion that the current Israel-Palestine dispute cannot be understood until one ponders the corruptive influence of Islamic theology on this divisive issue. Sadly, no maps.

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Tags: B07YF5YS62 pdf,The Palestinian Delusion pdf,The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process pdf,ebook,Robert Spencer,The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process,Bombardier Books,History / General,History / Middle East / General

Friday, December 6, 2019

Girl, Wash Your Face Pdf

Title: Girl, Wash Your Face Pdf Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

Number one New York Times Best Seller

Do you ever suspect that everyone else has life figured out and you don't have a clue? If so, Rachel Hollis has something to tell you: That's a lie.

As the founder of the lifestyle website and CEO of her own media company, Rachel Hollis developed an immense online community by sharing tips for better living while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own life. Now, in this challenging and inspiring new book, Rachel exposes the 20 lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively, lies we've told ourselves so often we don't even hear them anymore.

With painful honesty and fearless humor, Rachel unpacks and examines the falsehoods that once left her feeling overwhelmed and unworthy, and reveals the specific practical strategies that helped her move past them. In the process, she encourages, entertains, and even kicks a little butt, all to convince you to do whatever it takes to get real and become the joyous, confident woman you were meant to be.

With unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity, Girl, Wash Your Face shows you how to live with passion and hustle - and how to give yourself grace without giving up.

A looooonng not-so-humble brag. Skip it. Every woman alive is racing to grab their personal copy of the book Girl Wash Your Face. I read this back when it first came out, and I had pretty high expectations based on all the marketing hoopla. I honestly didn’t know who the author was prior to ordering the book. I watched a few videos of her before reading it and found it difficult to connect with her, but I read the book anyway.I believe this was partially marketed as a “Christian” book, but it’s pretty far from it. She definitely downplays the religious element, and I was left feeling like her view of God is terrifyingly self-serving. She is definitely her own biggest fan and does not have a humble bone in her body.I’m honestly really surprised to see how many women are raving about this book. I know there are quite a few that aren’t, but still. The book is one looooonggg not-so-humble brag...Incredibly superficial, shallow at best. This is not earth-shattering, introspective writing that will change your life. It’s common sense regurgitated accompanied by so many contradictions. Page upon page of her repeatedly tooting her own horn and every so often throwing God a bone. So bizarre. I had to force myself to finish it only because I spent money on it. Should’ve borrowed from the library!The power of marketing is real, people. It’s the only reason this book has sold so many copies. This is the literary version of the social experiment where people enter an elevator with other people facing the wrong way - new people coming on start facing the wrong way, too. Everyone else is doing it, right?If you haven’t read this book yet, just don’t. Spend your time reading a biography by a successful person or some Brene Brown or Anne Lamott...Lysa Terkeurst or Ann Voskamp.If you do choose to read this or have read it, I would encourage you to really dive in, dissect it and form your own opinion. Not what that “influencer” on IG thinks about it, what YOU think about it. It’s ok to call it like it is, self-help sprinkled with vague Christian fluff.We live in such a weird time...with social media and marketing constantly influencing our purchases and loyalties and opinions. I could go on, but I’ll leave it there!You might want to borrow it before you waste your money I don't understand all the hype about this book. Rachel Hollis's life experience is so near perfect and so far removed from that of the average woman, that there is almost nothing in this book that is actually relatable. She uses the following examples in her book:1. She dropped out of school at 19 to pursue her successful event planning business that catered to Hollywood celebrities.2. She had one intimate relationship outside of marriage. They broke up for two days. On the third day he professed his love and they ended up getting married.3. Although they have four children, she and her husband struggled with infertility for eight months.4. Hollis admits she has a mean streak and uses the example of making fun of a girl in high school for shaving her toes.5. Hollis also shares in the book that she peed her pants on a trampoline and had a cavity at one point.6. Almost every chapter talks about how she made the Forbes "Top 40 Under 40 list", runs her own multi-million dollar company, and is a "good Christian girl".Perhaps this book could be appreciated by women who have lived a very blessed and sheltered life. But for anyone who has ever had to deal with real life issues such as poverty, illness, abuse, depression, co-dependency, dysfunctional families, loneliness, etc. I recommend you look elsewhere because this book will come across as one long never-ending humblebrag. All eight women in my book club agreed that the book had a tone that was "inauthentic", "judgmental", and "preachy". If you want to read truly authentic, genuine work that sheds light on overcoming human imperfections and failings, I recommend reading Jeanette Walls, Cheryl Strayed, and Elizabeth Gilbert. These female authors have lived very imperfect lives - like most of us - and you will find their work far more relatable than this book which comes across as self-aggrandizing propaganda. I ended up returning the book for a full refund, which I never do.Note: My original one-star review of the book (which 93 people found helpful in the first 3 days) was reported to Amazon and removed for not meeting "community standards" even though the tone was very respectful. I'm sharing this because it might help explain all the five-star reviews.

Tags: B077GZBL1Y pdf,Girl, Wash Your Face pdf,Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be pdf,,Rachel Hollis, Thomas Nelson,Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be,Thomas Nelson,B077GZBL1Y

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Simple Farmhouse Life Free Pdf

ISBN: 1493042742
Title: Simple Farmhouse Life Pdf DIY Projects for the All-Natural, Handmade Home
Author: Lisa BASS
Published Date: 1920-04

“I can’t think of anyone better than Lisa to inspire the masses to embrace simple, yet elegant farmhouse style. Her emphasis on homemade (instead of pricey store-bought decor options) makes her my #1 go-to for all things farmhouse!” —Jill Winger, author of The Prairie Homestead Cookbook“Lisa’s creativity makes it easy to create your own version of farmhouse living, whatever that means to your family! In a fast-paced world, Lisa is a breath of fresh air, inspiring us to slow down and live a bit more simply.” —Chloe Mackintosh, founder of the blog Boxwood Avenue“Simple Farmhouse Life takes today’s trendy farmhouse style and turns it into a truly simple living lifestyle!” —Amy Fewell, author of the Homesteader’s Natural Chicken Keeping Handbook and founder of the Homesteaders of America“Never would I have thought I'd be someone who buys my milk from a local dairy, whips up my own body products, ferments food, or even craves the carefree farmhouse life. But you can bet Lisa inspired me to action, and I'm counting on her to do it again and again!” —Cami Graham, founder of the blog Tidbits and author of Master the Electric Pressure Cooker Author Bio: Lisa Bass started her blog, “Farmhouse on Boone,” in November 2015. A maker since childhood, she developed a passion for sewing, natural living, and a simple lifestyle after becoming a mom in 2008. She currently lives with her husband and five kids in the Troy, Missouri, where she makes a living teaching and inspiring others to do the same. You can find out more about her daily life on her Instagram, blog, and YouTube channel:,,,

Transform your home into a simple farmhouse--no matter where you live--with this beautiful guide to slow living. Country girl and popular blogger Lisa Bass shares more than 70 of her favorite hearty recipes, handmade projects, and tips for natural living that she uses in her own from-scratch life. Slow down and enjoy the simplicity of a country lifestyle with recipes and projects such as:

Natural Kitchen: rosemary lemon foaming dish soap, stonewashed linen apron, market tote

Handmade DΓ©cor: pillow covers from reclaimed materials, dipped beeswax candles, linen ruffle throw blanket

Natural Body: chamomile body butter, lavender calendula salve, relaxing bath soak and body mist

Natural Laundry: essential oil spot remover, wool dryer balls, lavender linen spray

Natural Cleaning: orange dusting spray, glass cleaner

Handmade Garden: cut flower garden, front porch planters

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Tags: 1493042742 pdf,Simple Farmhouse Life pdf,DIY Projects for the All-Natural, Handmade Home pdf,Lisa Bass,Simple Farmhouse Life: DIY Projects for the All-Natural, Handmade Home,Lyons Press,1493042742,Decorating,GARDENING / Vegetables,GENERAL,Gardening/Vegetables,Gardening: Vegetables,General Adult,HOUSE & HOME / Decorating & Furnishings,House & Home/Sustainable Living,House & Home: Decorating & Furnishings,House & Home: Sustainable Living,Non-Fiction,United States

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Girl, Wash Your Face Free Pdf

Title: Girl, Wash Your Face Pdf Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be


Do you ever suspect that everyone else has life figured out and you don’t have a clue? If so, Rachel Hollis has something to tell you: that’s a lie.

As the founder of the lifestyle website and CEO of her own media company, Rachel Hollis developed an immense online community by sharing tips for better living while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own life. Now, in this challenging and inspiring new book, Rachel exposes the twenty lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively, lies we’ve told ourselves so often we don’t even hear them anymore.

With painful honesty and fearless humor, Rachel unpacks and examines the falsehoods that once left her feeling overwhelmed and unworthy, and reveals the specific practical strategies that helped her move past them. In the process, she encourages, entertains, and even kicks a little butt, all to convince you to do whatever it takes to get real and become the joyous, confident woman you were meant to be.

With unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity, Girl, Wash Your Face shows you how to live with passion and hustle--and how to give yourself grace without giving up.

You might want to borrow it before you waste your money I don't understand all the hype about this book. Rachel Hollis's life experience is so near perfect and so far removed from that of the average woman, that there is almost nothing in this book that is actually relatable. She uses the following examples in her book:1. She dropped out of school at 19 to pursue her successful event planning business that catered to Hollywood celebrities.2. She had one intimate relationship outside of marriage. They broke up for two days. On the third day he professed his love and they ended up getting married.3. Although they have four children, she and her husband struggled with infertility for eight months.4. Hollis admits she has a mean streak and uses the example of making fun of a girl in high school for shaving her toes.5. Hollis also shares in the book that she peed her pants on a trampoline and had a cavity at one point.6. Almost every chapter talks about how she made the Forbes "Top 40 Under 40 list", runs her own multi-million dollar company, and is a "good Christian girl".Perhaps this book could be appreciated by women who have lived a very blessed and sheltered life. But for anyone who has ever had to deal with real life issues such as poverty, illness, abuse, depression, co-dependency, dysfunctional families, loneliness, etc. I recommend you look elsewhere because this book will come across as one long never-ending humblebrag. All eight women in my book club agreed that the book had a tone that was "inauthentic", "judgmental", and "preachy". If you want to read truly authentic, genuine work that sheds light on overcoming human imperfections and failings, I recommend reading Jeanette Walls, Cheryl Strayed, and Elizabeth Gilbert. These female authors have lived very imperfect lives - like most of us - and you will find their work far more relatable than this book which comes across as self-aggrandizing propaganda. I ended up returning the book for a full refund, which I never do.Note: My original one-star review of the book (which 93 people found helpful in the first 3 days) was reported to Amazon and removed for not meeting "community standards" even though the tone was very respectful. I'm sharing this because it might help explain all the five-star reviews.How is this a 4.8 out of 5? I bought this audiobook based on the 4.8/5 review I saw. After listening to 4 chapters of sanctimonious twaddle from someone with a very narrow life I was completely confused. I became even more confused after browsing through the customer reviews and seeing that there were more negative reviews written than positive. Doesn't seem to add up.Additionally, the write-up claims she "fearlessly shares her flaws" in ways that will help women everywhere. If accidentally peeing a little on a trampoline or having a cavity in your tooth are "startling personal revelations", then you have an extremely blessed life.As a matter of fact, her life seems charmed from the beginning. I don't want to marginalize the hard work she has put into her company, children, marriage, etc., but as a 21 year veteran of the armed service I have a very hard time listening to her natter on about her John Hughes-worthy virginal romance with her husband to be as "one of the most painful things" she can remember. She then had the hubris to pertly announce that she "revokes permission" to anyone that has deviated from a diet, workout plan, or actions directly from their checklist of stated goals based on loss or tragedy in their lives, nor does she trust anyone that ever breaks a promise to themselves.What about women that have lost a child? Those that have been beaten, verbally abused, raped, or shot at? What about those forging their way through life in male-dominated careers instead of party planning?I don't mind that the author was Christian. I would happily read anything of value from anyone of any religion, especially if they are speaking about how that religion has enriched their lives, but she comes off as preachy. She states over and OVER again that she is the daughter of a preacher and there is a goal of perfection that she is required to live up to as thus.Her stated imperfections come off like the answers you should give if asked what your biggest flaw is at a job interview. This book was a platform to show off her fairy-dusted life with butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth prose, liberally sprinkled with the obligatory "y'alls" and "girlfriends" you would expect to hear at a Junior League meeting in the 1950's. She clearly states that one of her goals is to uplift and encourage women, and even admits to talking badly about someone...only once her secrecy... to her best friend in high school, and it haunts her to this day that she criticized that poor girl's hairy toes.I am not a woman that tears others down for sport. I am glad she has a wonderful life. Assuming the reason for this book is actually to uplift others and not just another success rung in her "overachieving workaholic" (one of her worst flaws) life, I do not think it hits the mark. Perhaps she should stick to her lifestyle blog.If you also have had a very sheltered upbringing and never have had any major issues, then this book may be helpful for you. For any of the rest of us who have had to deal with real struggles in life it is drivel. I returned it after reading about 1/4 of the book.*Additional remarks after reading comments:I didn't read far enough, and I see that Ms. Hollis has suffered some in her life. I am glad that her book has helped some people. However, I do not believe that the reason she wrote this has anything to do with altruism; this book was written for her to self proclaim excellence. I am very much bothered by the fact that her ratings are so high based on her begging her blog followers to write reviews. Her specialty is lifestyle, not psychology, and i do believe that this can be a damaging book for women whom are struggling on a daily basis.I wanted to love it... Like so many other reviewers, I wanted to love it... So many of my friends have nothing but praises for the book, so I bought it.I’ve been disappointed from the start. I ended up feeling so annoyed that I wasn’t able to finish the book.I felt like it was too much “me me me” and humble bragging, as another reviewer pointed out.

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Tags: B072TMB75T pdf,Girl, Wash Your Face pdf,Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be pdf,ebook,Rachel Hollis,Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be,Thomas Nelson,Christian Life - Personal Growth,Christian Life - Women's Issues,General,CHRISTIAN LIFE,Children's Books / General,Christian Life - Personal Growth,Christian Life - Women's Issues,Christian women - Conduct of life,Christian women;Conduct of life.,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood,Family & Relationships/General,General,General Adult,Happiness,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,RELIGION / Christian Life / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Life / Women's Issues,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests,RELIGIOUS,Religion,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Growth,Religion/Ethics,SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational,Self Help,Self-Help/Motivational & Inspirational,Self-Help/Personal Growth - General,Self-actualization (Psychology) in women,Self-actualization (Psychology) in women.,Self-esteem in women.,Success,TOPICAL / Christian Interest,United States,Women's Studies,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood,Family & Relationships/General,RELIGION / Christian Life / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Life / Women's Issues,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Living / Women's Interests,Religion/Christian Living - Personal Growth,SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational,Self-Help/Motivational & Inspirational,Self-Help/Personal Growth - General,Christian Life,Personal Guidance,Religion

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dog Shaming 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar Download

ISBN: 1449497853
Title: Dog Shaming 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar Pdf
Author: Pascale Lemire
Published Date: 2019-07-16
Page: 640
Celebrate your love for dogs—and your occasional frustration over their misdeeds—with the Dog Shaming 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar.

More than 8,000 photos have been posted to the popular Dog Shaming blog since it began in 2012. This calendar showcases a different dog's photo and shameful story on each page, providing plenty of comic relief and commiseration for dog lovers everywhere. With a variety of dog breeds and humor that's safe for work, Dog Shaming calendars also make great gifts for family and friends.

Features Include:
  • Full color tear-off pages (blank on reverse)
  • Day/date reference on each page
  • Includes official major world holidays
  • Plastic easel backer for desk or tabletop display

Love this!! Love this!!Great day to day calendar I never thought I would use one of these ever again but it is great laughs to start your day in the office and everybody else enjoys it too.Awesome gift My friend loved it as her bday present! We love dog memes so I knew it would be a hit!

Tags: 1449497853 pdf,Dog Shaming 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar pdf,Pascale Lemire,,Dog Shaming 2020 Day-to-Day Calendar,Andrews McMeel Publishing,1449497853,Animals,CALENDAR,Calendars,Dogs,General,HUMOR,HUMOR / Topic / Animals,HUMOR / Topic / Internet & Social Media,Humor/Topic - Internet & Social Media,Internet & Social Media,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,Non-Fiction,PETS,PETS / Dogs / General,Pets/Dogs - General,Topic,animal humor; animal lover; comedy; daily calendar; daily calendar 2020 page a day; daily desktop; desk calendar 2020; desktop calendar; dog calendar 2020; dog dad; dog gifts; dog gifts for women; dog life; dog lovers; dog mom; dog photos; dog themed gifts; funny gifts; funny pets; gifts for dog owners; page a day; parents; pet calendar 2020; pet shaming; tear off calendar; white elephant gifts,animal humor; dog dad; dog life; dog mom; gifts for dog owners; dog photos; pet shaming; daily calendar 2020 page a day; desk calendar 2020; desktop calendar; dog calendar 2020; dog themed gifts; funny pets; parents; pet calendar 2020; animal lover; comedy; daily calendar; daily desktop; dog gifts; dog gifts for women; dog lovers; funny gifts; page a day; tear off calendar; white elephant gifts,HUMOR / Topic / Animals,HUMOR / Topic / Internet & Social Media,Humor/Topic - Internet & Social Media,NON-CLASSIFIABLE,PETS / Dogs / General,Pets/Dogs - General