Friday, December 6, 2019

Girl, Wash Your Face Pdf

Title: Girl, Wash Your Face Pdf Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

Number one New York Times Best Seller

Do you ever suspect that everyone else has life figured out and you don't have a clue? If so, Rachel Hollis has something to tell you: That's a lie.

As the founder of the lifestyle website and CEO of her own media company, Rachel Hollis developed an immense online community by sharing tips for better living while fearlessly revealing the messiness of her own life. Now, in this challenging and inspiring new book, Rachel exposes the 20 lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively, lies we've told ourselves so often we don't even hear them anymore.

With painful honesty and fearless humor, Rachel unpacks and examines the falsehoods that once left her feeling overwhelmed and unworthy, and reveals the specific practical strategies that helped her move past them. In the process, she encourages, entertains, and even kicks a little butt, all to convince you to do whatever it takes to get real and become the joyous, confident woman you were meant to be.

With unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity, Girl, Wash Your Face shows you how to live with passion and hustle - and how to give yourself grace without giving up.

A looooonng not-so-humble brag. Skip it. Every woman alive is racing to grab their personal copy of the book Girl Wash Your Face. I read this back when it first came out, and I had pretty high expectations based on all the marketing hoopla. I honestly didn’t know who the author was prior to ordering the book. I watched a few videos of her before reading it and found it difficult to connect with her, but I read the book anyway.I believe this was partially marketed as a “Christian” book, but it’s pretty far from it. She definitely downplays the religious element, and I was left feeling like her view of God is terrifyingly self-serving. She is definitely her own biggest fan and does not have a humble bone in her body.I’m honestly really surprised to see how many women are raving about this book. I know there are quite a few that aren’t, but still. The book is one looooonggg not-so-humble brag...Incredibly superficial, shallow at best. This is not earth-shattering, introspective writing that will change your life. It’s common sense regurgitated accompanied by so many contradictions. Page upon page of her repeatedly tooting her own horn and every so often throwing God a bone. So bizarre. I had to force myself to finish it only because I spent money on it. Should’ve borrowed from the library!The power of marketing is real, people. It’s the only reason this book has sold so many copies. This is the literary version of the social experiment where people enter an elevator with other people facing the wrong way - new people coming on start facing the wrong way, too. Everyone else is doing it, right?If you haven’t read this book yet, just don’t. Spend your time reading a biography by a successful person or some Brene Brown or Anne Lamott...Lysa Terkeurst or Ann Voskamp.If you do choose to read this or have read it, I would encourage you to really dive in, dissect it and form your own opinion. Not what that “influencer” on IG thinks about it, what YOU think about it. It’s ok to call it like it is, self-help sprinkled with vague Christian fluff.We live in such a weird time...with social media and marketing constantly influencing our purchases and loyalties and opinions. I could go on, but I’ll leave it there!You might want to borrow it before you waste your money I don't understand all the hype about this book. Rachel Hollis's life experience is so near perfect and so far removed from that of the average woman, that there is almost nothing in this book that is actually relatable. She uses the following examples in her book:1. She dropped out of school at 19 to pursue her successful event planning business that catered to Hollywood celebrities.2. She had one intimate relationship outside of marriage. They broke up for two days. On the third day he professed his love and they ended up getting married.3. Although they have four children, she and her husband struggled with infertility for eight months.4. Hollis admits she has a mean streak and uses the example of making fun of a girl in high school for shaving her toes.5. Hollis also shares in the book that she peed her pants on a trampoline and had a cavity at one point.6. Almost every chapter talks about how she made the Forbes "Top 40 Under 40 list", runs her own multi-million dollar company, and is a "good Christian girl".Perhaps this book could be appreciated by women who have lived a very blessed and sheltered life. But for anyone who has ever had to deal with real life issues such as poverty, illness, abuse, depression, co-dependency, dysfunctional families, loneliness, etc. I recommend you look elsewhere because this book will come across as one long never-ending humblebrag. All eight women in my book club agreed that the book had a tone that was "inauthentic", "judgmental", and "preachy". If you want to read truly authentic, genuine work that sheds light on overcoming human imperfections and failings, I recommend reading Jeanette Walls, Cheryl Strayed, and Elizabeth Gilbert. These female authors have lived very imperfect lives - like most of us - and you will find their work far more relatable than this book which comes across as self-aggrandizing propaganda. I ended up returning the book for a full refund, which I never do.Note: My original one-star review of the book (which 93 people found helpful in the first 3 days) was reported to Amazon and removed for not meeting "community standards" even though the tone was very respectful. I'm sharing this because it might help explain all the five-star reviews.

Tags: B077GZBL1Y pdf,Girl, Wash Your Face pdf,Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be pdf,,Rachel Hollis, Thomas Nelson,Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be,Thomas Nelson,B077GZBL1Y

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